Architectural & Landscape Request

Homeowners are required to submit any proposed architectural/landscape changes to the exterior of their home or yard or interior changes to structural or mechanical components to the Executive Board and/or Committee of the Association for approval, before the commencement of any work. This includes improvements, additions, changes, replacements, or relocations.

If you have supporting documents like drawings, pictures/brochures of materials, or copies of contractor(s) bids, you can **attach** these documents to this form.

  • Review all Association documents for compliance. Indicate how your proposal meets or complies with all guidelines about your project.
  • Describe your project in the box below.
  • Attach files below (drawings, pictures/brochures, or copies of contractor bids with pricing revealed)
  • Obtain any applicable permits and submit a copy to the HOA upon receipt.
  • Agree to call PA One-Call (811) if work requires any digging to avoid hitting gas/power lines.
  • Agree to make repairs to any grass area that has been disturbed by the contractors.


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By submitting this form, you agree to the terms and conditions listed above

I (we) certify that all work will be completed within Association rules and regulations, as well as, federal, state, and local laws, building codes, and ordinances. I (we) are responsible for locating all property lines, setback lines, easements, right-of-way, flood areas, etc. The Association, its members, and Horst Property Management are not held liable for any aspect of the work performed and this request form is simply just for approval of the scope of the work being completed. Work will not commence until fully approved by the Executive Board, which could take up to 45 days for approval. I (we) will follow all stipulations as expressed by the Executive Board.