Procedure for Work Requests

  • There are three ways for the homeowner to contact Horst.
  1. The homeowner submits the contact form from the website (Horst and the BOD receive copies). Without waiting for Maryann, the board contacts the homeowner and sets up a meeting with at least one board member and one member of the Building or Grounds committee.
  2. The homeowner calls Maryann. She reports the issue to the Board via email.
  3. The homeowner emails Maryann. She reports the issue to the Board via email.
  • A board member (Karen) adds these contacts from the homeowners to a Work Request Spreadsheet.
  • An assessment is made by a Committee Chair and at least one board member. That assessment is then reported to the board for approval, further discussion, or rejection.
  1. If approved, the board informs Horst to proceed with contracting the minor “non-bid” work from approved contractors and vendors.
  2. If the assessment requires further investigation, the board representatives inform the homeowner that more discussion is needed before deciding, placing it in the pending stage.
  3. If it is determined that the issue is a “from the walls in issue” or is a unit owner’s responsibility within a “limited common element, the board representatives will inform the homeowner that their request is denied.  
  • A building or landscaping committee member will monitor the progress of repairs or ARC projects. The contractor and/or Horst will inform the Board or Committee Chair when the work has been completed. A board or committee chair will inspect the work to ensure it was done according to specifications.
  • After the Association is billed for the work completed, Horst will provide the board with a copy of the invoice. After the board approves the invoice, the treasurer will inform Horst to pay the contractor.